Thursday, June 02, 2011

Advice to Kenyan Campus Students

Advice to Kenyan Campus Students

i don know if this advise works for ya but am a try it out for the rest of my next two years in campo.
hope u get to enjoy the recipe..............................

The A to Z of surviving in Kenyan campuses: A College Manual
graduation 300x199 Advice to Kenyan Campus Students
Avoid the last minute rush. The I-work-best-under pressure is a myth. When it comes to studying, if you leave all studying to the night before the exam, you’re likely to fail. Okay, you may not get an E (which means you have to re-do the paper), but a C or D are likely grades.

mara io io. soma when u feel like. exams si za kukufanya usome. onekana mjinga but soma when u feel like cuz this is the time when ya mind absorbs shit in books like whoaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!

Be yourself. Be true to your friends, because the friends you make in campus are the ones you will keep for life. If you can’t reveal your true self to your fellow comrades who do not judge, accept who for who you are and will hold a harambee to bail you out if you get into any sort of trouble, then I don’t know who else you can trust.
Cops. Cops and university students are not friends. Always maintain a 50m (or more) radius around a cop. Ask any student who has been in a strike. Or anyone coming back to campus at night and they encounter cops who ask for ID, and that is the one time you didn’t carry it. You could be arrested for loitering, drunk and disorderly etc.

hey u in a blue uniform, samehea me n i`ll reform........... don wait to sing this song by  sauti sol take precaustions by walikin with ya ID photocopy.

Iibuchi: hey, Obeez where u been?
Obeez: ya wanna know? eh!<hic!> I've been studyin mututhology, am full of m-u-tu-tho-issm......
and i feeeel like mu-tu-tho-i-sss-tic.
YEAH. the full effects of tutho. If u cant drink and behave. then walk at a radious of 10 miles from the bottle.
if u value ya speech, then drink responsibly. who knows- by the time unamada kampo u'll be full of madenti(bumps) landscaping ya body with every mark a bitter story to tell. think u 'll be ugly? see yaself in the mirror and stare at the beast that a-a-a- aaaa -a alcohol has made u be.;

Exams.wachanga risto za mwakenya cuz them will take ya nowhere indeed. picture this- a dude finishes campo, cant get a job leave alone getting self employed, y? all because he could not rely on his brain to do all right that is required. when u use mwakenya's, u`ll pass but ya mind has already switched. no creativity is ringing in mind- so sad for u

Friends. They are the best thing that could ever happen to anyone on campus. If you find true ones, keep them. The ones you can buy drinks from when you’re loaded, and still borrow from when you’re broke. If you can’t borrow money from your friends, then they are not true friends.
God. Acknowledge His existence in your life. Don’t be too over-religious though and end up missing on the life.
Hustle. I’m not saying go into the streets and start walking around looking all desperate. If you want to, start a business. Write on the side. Do your poetry. Sing your heart out. Draw portraits. Make cards for sale. Register your own company and start making websites/projects. It’s a way of establishing yourself and making that extra cash. It will lift your self-esteem. If an opportunity comes along, take it.

make sure msikosane na pero{parent}. make sure beside ya hustlin, u kipin up with em books

Independence. Be your own person. Whatever you do, ask yourself why. And the answer should not be ‘because my friends are doing it.’
stop following the pack and lead ya own pack. don fall to the ideological thinikin of style and swagger if u can't kip up with the pace. identify ya own identity that reflests ya interested and defines who u be.

Joke. Take time to smile at your blunders/failures. Life can be brutally short.

Knowledge. For what’s it’s worth, be good in at least one area of your field of study. Theoretically and practically, so even if your grades are not so good, you have something to show for your time in campus.
knowledge is power. y do u countries like india, china, brazil and the rest are emerging world economies? cause em know very well how knowledge is power. a populous nation with majority of citizens illiterate is a time bomb in the offing. look at the education system in the named countries and u'll find more p'll educated and jobless  but em not complaining. y? cause. their knowledge is what gon open ways fr em. true be that.

Luxuries.figure  a student who has all electronics possible but he didn’t even have bed sheets.? All am saying is, know your priorities.
Money. Spend wisely, do not lend to those who can’t pay back, do not borrow unless it’s absolutely necessary and you know you can pay back. Friendships have begun and ended because of money.
Neighbours. Be good to them, you’ll live next to them for a while and they are the ones who’ll raise an alarm if your crib is on fire/being robbed.
Over. When campus is over, it’s over. Do not linger around. As much as I miss campus already, I would not go back just to hand around. I know some people I used to see around campus who had already graduated, and they walked around doing nothing. They were not doing further studying or teaching or anything.
Play. Go out and get involved in campus games and sports. Go out in the evening and have fun. Dance the night away. At the beginning of the semester when you have all the free time, watch movies, series, play computer games. Go out all week if you can. There is always time to study in the middle of the semester and towards the end. ALL WORK WITH NO PLAY MAKES JACK A DULL BOY.
uniQue. Be unique in at least one thing, style, fashion, neatness,uchizi, etc
Relationships. If you’re (un)lucky enough to get a stable girl/boyfriend who lasts more than two years, I’ll be happy to attend your wedding 2 or 3 years after graduation. If you’re single, have as much fun as possible. That’s my advice: if you’re in a relationship, stay in it. Do not cheat. If you’re not, be free to mingle. The possibilities are endless.IF U REALIZE U ARE GAY- kill YASELF DUDE. if u realise u r a lesbian-SCREAM FOR THE WORLD TO HEAR.see tatu's case
Sex. Be safe. Get tested as often as possible. If you have not started having sex, then don’t be in a hurry to start. Because once you start, there is no stopping the crave aint gon stop . Use condoms all the time, because pills will not protect you from STIs/HIV. Being faithful to one partner should not be relied on, this is campus. Multiple partners are the norm though of course you may think yours is exclusive. If it is, good for you. Either way, just pass by the pharmacist and pick some CDs.
psss. sex as much as possible to avoid the risk of getting prostrate cancer.
Tobacco. Smoking of tobacco is harmful to your health. Okay, sometimes smokers look cool, but once you get hooked, it’s hard to quit. It’s easier to quit drinking than to quit smoking, so if you haven’t started smoking yet, do not start. If you’re already smoking, and you wanna quit, devise some sort of plan that will see you reduce your smoking by the time you’re done with campus. That will be the icing on the cake of your graduation.
Utter selflessness. That’s the only way to feel alive. Share with the less fortunate. Donate your time (and money) to charity. Join Rotaract Club, Red Cross, Environmental club or any other society where you can give back to society.
Vegetation. And the environment in general. Thou shall care for your environment, do not litter unnecessarily and if you’re passionate enough, join the environmental club and plant some trees.LEAVE THE TREES AND LET THEM BEEEE.... DON U SEE U DESTROYIN THE ENVIRONMENT OH NO!
Weed. So you’ve arrived in campus and want to experiment with some marijuana. Be my guest. But please, do not become a regular user. Once in a while, like end-of-semester bashes, you may smoke some. Do not let it become a daily thing. Weed kills brain cells, which do not regenerate. Plus it’s illegal.

<pss. if u doin a science  oriented course, then some weed will be good for ya brain cells just to cool down the nerves after all the nerd thinkin u got>

X for X-rated stuff (porn). I’d advice you not to watch it, lest you get addicted and it gets in the way of your social life.remember the story of kirk flanklin?
You. You’re your own master. You’re in charge of your ambition, desires, goals, limitations. Of course, with guidance from your creator.
Zeal. The Bible says in Ecc 9:10, “Whatsover your hands find to do, do it with all your might. For there is no knowledge, no wisdom, no action, no thought, in the world of the dead where you are headed.”

special thanks to : savvykenya

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